Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Computer games and bling

Vienna is famous for its huge assortment of museums, but rather than look at art, or history, or go to the opera, we visited an exhibition of a different kind – a massive computer game expo.

Gamers from far and wide flocked to the annual event to check out the latest offerings for Playstation, Xbox and Wii consoles. Still bleary-eyed from our early morning start to watch the football earlier that day, we wandered through the maze of rooms filled with giant TVs, impressive light and sound shows and staff handing out showbags full of freebies. There were lots of interact Wii-style games (people dancing, cheerleading, singing in the shower etc) and we met some very interesting characters, including everyone’s favourite quiz master Buzz.

Much to our amusement we also got asked to show ID before entering the 18+ games tent!

One place we didn't get asked for ID was in the Swarovski crystal superstore in Vienna's main shopping street -- three huge, sparkling levels of BLING! (the photo below does NOT do it justice!)

The store boasted jewellery, keyrings and diamond-encrusted pens to huge crystal figurines and elaborate window displays -- even the walls and ceiling sparkled.  Of course, as a lover of all things bling, I carefully browsed every square inch of the massive store.  I picked up a few small souvenirs but refrained from making any major purchases.  However I did take home a copy of the latest catalogue, just in case I change my mind when I get home...

1 comment:

  1. Is the Buzz guy as cocky in real life as he is on the game? :)
